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The DSP-10 project: An
All-Mode 2-meter Transceiver Using a DSP IF and PC Controlled Front
Pannel (one of my main Amateur Radio projects, for the Years
An All-Mode 2-meter Transceiver Using a DSP IF and PC Controlled
Front Panel (one of my main Amateur Radio projects, of the Years
2000-2001). The project is called DSP-10.
The DSP-10 is an amateur-radio 2-meter transceiver that can be
built at home (home brew). It operates on SSB, FM and CW modes.
Features are tailored to operation with weak signals on VHF, UHF and
Microwave frequencies. You will find all software and related stuff
needed for the DSP-10 project at
The project is build upon the EZ-KIT Lite board from Analog Device
(using the ADSP2181 DSP), an external PCB (by W7PUA) and a lot of
software for the EZ-KIT Lite and the front panel PC.
At the moment I am building on the project. As a part of the building
process, I will show you some pictures of the PC-boards and much more
later on.